


Who is that strange boy?

A Ghost?

A Vampire!?

The world will never know.


  1. I send the author of le front row hate mail every week about how she needs to stop that nyc shit already and photog more real people. Even almost leading to me starting a rival Tucson Street Style blog.

    Natasha: I love your shades, I've got some prescript white wayfarers also.

  2. Who told Matt about this picture? I'm weirded out and honestly this post has made me realize that my life is the exact opposite of what I thought it was.

  3. It was my fault, Natasha. Well most likely from my last comment. I'm sorry :( I feel terrible now.

  4. No! I was just kidding. I'm glad everyone can see this picture. It shows that I have bridged the gap between teacher and student, because students think I'm one of them and take pictures of me. And I love this post. I even linked it from my blog, but that doesn't really do anything because my blog is private and like 4 people read it/post on it.

  5. Oh my gosh I had no idea what you were talking about! I thought Matty just took this photo, this is funny. You're so cool.

  6. Ha! Cool enough to be on the coolest Tucson street fashion blog I know (I only know of one). I think Tony used to have one, too. What happened to that dream?
